Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy Birthday, Bethany!!

My wonderful husband got me flowers for my 27th Birthday today! The balloon sings a song - which is SO funny.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mya's favorite thing and a sunset

Mya's favorite game is playing with her "Big Mean Kitty." She is very vicious. The thing is bigger then she is, but she runs around with the thing in her mouth. She'll even pull it under the couch and guard it. Pretty funny. John and Mya have a favorite game to play with the kitty - and you can see it in the video. We had a wonderful sunset on Sunday night - we love being able to see the mountains.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Just a couple more.....

Tonight we go to our first Childbirth Preparation Class. We're both excited and nervous about the class, but it should be interesting!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Some things...

My Mom and Dad were at our house over the weekend

John and I bought a new chair for the baby's room last night.

This is John and I this morning

Here is my bare 26 week belly, also this morning

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