Time for an update from me. We're all hanging in there. Everyone is back to work, back to a routine, which is what we all need. It is helpful for me. It's hard, and sometimes you feel like the pieces of your heart might explode from your chest - and other times there is a sense of peace and comfort.
The picture above is the last picture of my Dad. We went to a Chinese restaurant for my birthday, and we ate good food and laughed.
Baby Simpson is running out of room in his little home. He is punching and kicking and doing whatever else it is he does down there. I love to feel him, and sometimes I feel like he's telling me "Mom please sit up straighter, I just don't have room in here." So I try to expand my tummy, although I really don't know if that does any good or not. We have a 30 weeks appointment today. Crazy to believe we could have a full term baby in 7 weeks! Oh the joy of waiting and anticipation for this amazing child.