Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Ian's Baby Dedication
On Sunday we had Ian's baby dedication at Glennon Heights. John's parents, and Grandpa Bryson were there, and so were our friends Emily, Andrea and Kelli. It was amazing. Here is the service ~
Blessing and dedication of Ian Robert Blough Simpson
March 1, 2009
Betsy: The words I will say during this ceremony of child dedication were written and used by Ian’s grandfather, Ron Blough, who blessed many babies in his pastoral career. We remember Ron and are grateful for his presence with us in these words on this special day.
God has truly blessed us in creation! Today we join in celebrating the blessing of a young life among us. John and Bethany Simpson have been granted a special gift from God, the gift of a child, a child who is fearfully and wonderfully made. As with many of God’s gifts, children bring both responsibility and joy. This family comes today, sharing their joy and recognizing their need for support from the family of faith
Listen to these words from Mark’s Gospel:
People were bringing little children to him in order that he might touch them; and the disciples spoke sternly to them. But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, "Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it." And he took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them. (Mark 10:13-16 NRSV)
These actions and words of Jesus tell us something about God’s desire for the reception of children into the family of faith. In the Mennonite Church, our understanding of the gospel and our tradition have led us to wait for baptism until children are able to make a decision for themselves to follow Christ. We recognize that others’ equally diligent study of God's word has led them to different understandings and traditions. In any case, we agree that Jesus instructed his followers to receive children as a gift of God; he also said that children are an example of the way in which each one of us should come before God in faith.
Today in obedience to our understanding of the Gospel, we welcome this child as God’s gift to this family of faith. We receive him with our blessing and we pledge our support to his parents as they seek to provide a loving, Christian home for their child.
Bethany, John and Ian, will you please come forward?
John and Bethany, as Ian’s parents, do you have words of blessing that you would like to share with Ian and the congregation?
John's Letter -
I want to first thank my father for showing me how to be a person of faith and a good father. Next I want to thank both of my parents for raising me in a church and for giving me what I needed. Not knowing it, I was learning how family works and I am happy to be your son.
Ian, I want you to see learn and experience what I did growing up and that is why I am committed to loving you more then you or I could imagine. I want to show you how life is and that we should strive to give everyone equal opportunities. I want you to learn fairness, love, commitment, honesty and more.
It is also wonderful to be part of GHMC. I think you for the kindness you have shown Bethany and I. Thank you for being our church. We would be lost without church. We look forward to having Ian and the rest of our the family grow here at GHMC.
Bethany's Letter -
My dearest Ian,
One year ago we learned we were having a baby, and everyday since your life has been an absoulte blessing to me - through the greatest joys and our deepest sorrow.
Your Grandpa Blough died two days after my 27th birthday and 11 weeks before you were born. Because you can't meet him I want to tell you some things about him. He was very curious about a lot of things - birds, cooking, stars, farming, people, God. He remembered and knew many things. Whenever I had a question he was the first person I called. He was funny and very kind.
My prayer for you is that you will find joy in whatever you do. That you will be curious about birds, cooking, stars, farming, people, God and whatever you find interesting. I also hope that you will be kind and realize that of God which is in all people.
I also want you to know how much we love you. We will always love you no matter what you do or who you become, because you are.
Your name means "God is gracious" and my greatest joy would be for you to realize God's grace and do what you can to pass it on.
The only things I know for sure are that God will always be gracious, that I love you and that to be alive is the truest blessing of all.
Betsy: John and Bethany, you have shared in God’s creative power, bringing forth this precious new life. Will you pledge to support and love your son by providing the opportunity for him to grow up in the family of faith, with the hope that he will some day confess Jesus Christ as Lord?
John and Bethany: We will.
Betsy: Will you, to the best of your ability and with God’s help, provide a loving family environment in which your child can grow in love, loyalty, and obedience to God?
John and Bethany: We will.
Betsy: Will you encourage Ian to grow in faith, so that he might later be received into full fellowship by participating in the work and worship of the church?
John and Bethany: We will.
Betsy (to the congregation): These parents, supported by other members of their families, have expressed their trust in God and in you, the body of Christ gathered here, by presenting this child for dedication. Will you pledge your support and loving presence in times of ease and difficulty, in times of joy and sorrow, in times of growth and frustration? Will you pledge to be faithful witnesses for Christ in upholding this family and especially this little one in your prayers?
Congregation: We will.
Betsy: Loving God, you have blessed us with the wonders of creation and today we celebrate your gift of this child. We dedicate the life of Ian Robert Blough Simpson to you on this day. We pledge to be faithful and prayerful witnesses of Christ in his life. Make your presence known in the lives of all your children gathered here. We pray in the name of Christ, whose love of children brings us here. AMEN
(Betsy takes Ian in her arms and says):
Ian, may God’s blessing always be upon you through Jesus, the lover of children and our example. AMEN
Betsy carries Ian out into the congregation, introducing him to everyone, as Andrea sings, “Heavenly day.” John and Bethany go to the back of the church as this is taking place, and wait to recover Ian after he has been introduced.
Blessing and dedication of Ian Robert Blough Simpson
March 1, 2009
Betsy: The words I will say during this ceremony of child dedication were written and used by Ian’s grandfather, Ron Blough, who blessed many babies in his pastoral career. We remember Ron and are grateful for his presence with us in these words on this special day.
God has truly blessed us in creation! Today we join in celebrating the blessing of a young life among us. John and Bethany Simpson have been granted a special gift from God, the gift of a child, a child who is fearfully and wonderfully made. As with many of God’s gifts, children bring both responsibility and joy. This family comes today, sharing their joy and recognizing their need for support from the family of faith
Listen to these words from Mark’s Gospel:
People were bringing little children to him in order that he might touch them; and the disciples spoke sternly to them. But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, "Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it." And he took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them. (Mark 10:13-16 NRSV)
These actions and words of Jesus tell us something about God’s desire for the reception of children into the family of faith. In the Mennonite Church, our understanding of the gospel and our tradition have led us to wait for baptism until children are able to make a decision for themselves to follow Christ. We recognize that others’ equally diligent study of God's word has led them to different understandings and traditions. In any case, we agree that Jesus instructed his followers to receive children as a gift of God; he also said that children are an example of the way in which each one of us should come before God in faith.
Today in obedience to our understanding of the Gospel, we welcome this child as God’s gift to this family of faith. We receive him with our blessing and we pledge our support to his parents as they seek to provide a loving, Christian home for their child.
Bethany, John and Ian, will you please come forward?
John and Bethany, as Ian’s parents, do you have words of blessing that you would like to share with Ian and the congregation?
John's Letter -
I want to first thank my father for showing me how to be a person of faith and a good father. Next I want to thank both of my parents for raising me in a church and for giving me what I needed. Not knowing it, I was learning how family works and I am happy to be your son.
Ian, I want you to see learn and experience what I did growing up and that is why I am committed to loving you more then you or I could imagine. I want to show you how life is and that we should strive to give everyone equal opportunities. I want you to learn fairness, love, commitment, honesty and more.
It is also wonderful to be part of GHMC. I think you for the kindness you have shown Bethany and I. Thank you for being our church. We would be lost without church. We look forward to having Ian and the rest of our the family grow here at GHMC.
Bethany's Letter -
My dearest Ian,
One year ago we learned we were having a baby, and everyday since your life has been an absoulte blessing to me - through the greatest joys and our deepest sorrow.
Your Grandpa Blough died two days after my 27th birthday and 11 weeks before you were born. Because you can't meet him I want to tell you some things about him. He was very curious about a lot of things - birds, cooking, stars, farming, people, God. He remembered and knew many things. Whenever I had a question he was the first person I called. He was funny and very kind.
My prayer for you is that you will find joy in whatever you do. That you will be curious about birds, cooking, stars, farming, people, God and whatever you find interesting. I also hope that you will be kind and realize that of God which is in all people.
I also want you to know how much we love you. We will always love you no matter what you do or who you become, because you are.
Your name means "God is gracious" and my greatest joy would be for you to realize God's grace and do what you can to pass it on.
The only things I know for sure are that God will always be gracious, that I love you and that to be alive is the truest blessing of all.
Betsy: John and Bethany, you have shared in God’s creative power, bringing forth this precious new life. Will you pledge to support and love your son by providing the opportunity for him to grow up in the family of faith, with the hope that he will some day confess Jesus Christ as Lord?
John and Bethany: We will.
Betsy: Will you, to the best of your ability and with God’s help, provide a loving family environment in which your child can grow in love, loyalty, and obedience to God?
John and Bethany: We will.
Betsy: Will you encourage Ian to grow in faith, so that he might later be received into full fellowship by participating in the work and worship of the church?
John and Bethany: We will.
Betsy (to the congregation): These parents, supported by other members of their families, have expressed their trust in God and in you, the body of Christ gathered here, by presenting this child for dedication. Will you pledge your support and loving presence in times of ease and difficulty, in times of joy and sorrow, in times of growth and frustration? Will you pledge to be faithful witnesses for Christ in upholding this family and especially this little one in your prayers?
Congregation: We will.
Betsy: Loving God, you have blessed us with the wonders of creation and today we celebrate your gift of this child. We dedicate the life of Ian Robert Blough Simpson to you on this day. We pledge to be faithful and prayerful witnesses of Christ in his life. Make your presence known in the lives of all your children gathered here. We pray in the name of Christ, whose love of children brings us here. AMEN
(Betsy takes Ian in her arms and says):
Ian, may God’s blessing always be upon you through Jesus, the lover of children and our example. AMEN
Betsy carries Ian out into the congregation, introducing him to everyone, as Andrea sings, “Heavenly day.” John and Bethany go to the back of the church as this is taking place, and wait to recover Ian after he has been introduced.
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