Friday, July 24, 2009
Colorado Springs and the first tooth

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Ian's favorite activity
This is Ian's new favorite thing to do. He pulls himself up and pushes buttons on the tv, pulls DVDs off the shelves, etc. The funniest part is that he doesn't know how to get back down, so when he's tired of these activties he whines and fusses for us to come and help him down. He's a funny guy.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Visiting with Great Grandma Blough

I said we were going to meet Grandma on Tuesday night last week, but instead we met her on Wednesday morning for breakfast. It was so fun to see her and and their whole group. They were at a reunion in Oregon and they were driving back through. Ian went right to his GGma and I was so glad. I know he remembered her!!
Monday, July 13, 2009

This is one of my favorite pictures. I like that the dogs are there, and Ian's face is classic. His onesie is totally brown on the front. He hasn't had the chance to sit in the grass too much - and boy is that green grass. We're way over the "normal" levels for rainfall this year. Our lawn is benefiting from it, and I have to admit I love thunderstorms.

Great Aunt Brenda bought Ian this tunnel for Christmas and he can scootch his way through it. It's a really cool thing.

John was working on school work and I was working on cleaning out the pantry. Don't ask how much tea we have. Ian was trying to be helpful, if you can define helpful by eating tags and plastic and crawling all over me. Look at his muscely little arms.

This face always reminds me of Adeline, and I'm pretty sure Isaac did it too. His little scrunched up nose. He has one baby tooth. We found some gluten free cereal and tonight he ate some all by himself. I think he's going through a little independence stage with the eating. He wants to hold his own spoon and he has no clue how to operate a spoon. He also likes to hold a cup with water, but he can't figure out how to drink out of a sippy cup, so we give him cups with no lid and he drinks water for about 30 seconds, then the entire cup is dumped all over. You live and learn I guess.

Our handsome man in the grass. We weighed him and think he's almost 20 lbs. He's right in the 50th percentile on weight. We don't know how long he is, but I'd guess he's growing right along the 50th percentile on that as well. His little peanut head seems to be keeping its steady 25th percentile cuteness. Tomorrow we're going to Cheyenne to see my Grandma Blough. I tried to convince Brooke that Grandma would be there to visit her cowboy boyfriend she met on-line, but Brooke didn't buy it. When I told G-ma that tonight she laughed. She's traveling with old people, and Cheyenne is a stop on the way. It's only 1.5 - 2 hours from our house so Ian and I will go and pick up Grammy in Fort Collins and go on our way to Cheyenne. John has class so he won't be coming. We generally try to stay in after 7 pm, but we'll make an exception for Great Grandma B. We'll have pictures of that later.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Blessed to be a witness

Ian is 8 months old now. Will time ever slow down? He's a little scootchin' fool, still can't really crawl, but he's fast. He still really likes all the bad things - power cords, cell phones, dog bones, the list goes on. He's also getting a little clingy to John and me. I'm not sure if I posted he got his first baby tooth. I think it's bothering him a little, and I wouldn't be surprised if another one doesn't pop in soon. He's a little fussy, but nothing too bad. He makes us laugh with his funny faces. He also likes to use Mommy and Daddy as a jungle gym. We lay on the floor and he crawls all over us. Also a new big 8 month milestone for Ian is taking a nap in his crib. I know, probably sounds crazy, but our little guy has only napped in his crib probably 3 or 4 times since he was born. I think it's my fault (I held him almost all day while I was on maternity leave). Then he was in his swing. He has always been a great sleeper at night, just not during the day. Just this past week John put him in his crib and he laid there and slept. It is amazing and we're happy for it. I must admit, though, I wouldn't give back those hours and days of holding him while he slept for anything. He isn't as cuddly anymore, and he may never be as cuddly again. John and I sat out on the backporch and watched a storm moving in tonight and we both agreed that we love our lives. There are certain things that make me pause - wishing my Dad was back, wishing family lived closer - but being in Colorado right now is being at home. When I feel sad I just have to remember the goodness. I know for sure that this baby was made for me. I am blessed to be a witness.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Funny Video
John and I thought this was SO funny when we saw it last night. We thought we'd share it. It is also a good indication of how much rain we've gotten here this year. It's crazy.
John and I thought this was SO funny when we saw it last night. We thought we'd share it. It is also a good indication of how much rain we've gotten here this year. It's crazy.
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