Last night Mya was chasing Ginger and she ran into the trunk we have in front of our snuggler chair. She started crying and screaming and Ginger ran over to lick her face to make sure she was ok. Then John went and got her and she sat with me for awhile. She hit her little head on the trunk. She was fine, just a little dazed, until she threw up! The poor little dog had a concussion. She's fine now. We called the emergency vet, but decided not to take her, especially when she got up to run over and pick up the cereal that I "accidently" dropped on the floor. It was a little scary last night. I was in the bathroom and I told Ginger to go see if Mya was ok. John said Ginger ran out and jumped on the couch and kissed Mya. She is a sweet little dog.
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