The Simpson family went camping in Wyoming this weekend. We reserved a campsite at Glendo Resevoir, which was much nicer then our first camp ground in Wyoming. During the trip while expressing his concern about tent stakes, John realized that he had forgotten to pack the tent. Have you ever been North on I-25 in Wyoming? There isn't anything there. So we stop in Wheatland and John goes to ask the woman at the Sinclair station if there are any Wal-Marts or Targets around she says, "Are you kidding me?" They did have a store called Pamida, and we ended up getting a good deal on a BIG tent. We went to bed around 8 o'clock on Friday night, and woke up early, ate breakfast, and drove up to South Dakota. We stopped first at the Crazy Horse Memorial, http://www.crazyhorse.org/, which is amazing. It is the largest sculpture in the world. Then on to Mount Rushmore. They don't accept credit cards there, and we don't usually carry cash, so we got pictures from a distance. Then we drove to Wall Drug. Ok, we had heard that this was a place to check out if you're in South Dakota. There are signs for Wall Drug for miles and miles. 5 cent coffee, free water, doughnuts. Sounds like a small heaven on earth. We get there, split a buffalo burger, and head off to look for some bug spray. We are, I'll remind you, at a drug store. We find some Off and it cost us over $10!!! Rip off of the century. Then we went to get doughnuts. The smell was amazing, they were cooking fresh doughnuts, we could see the fresh doughnuts, we get up to the counter and see a sign that says, "Register Closed. Buy Doughnuts at the Cafe." We had seen the doughnuts at the cafe, they were not fresh. Then we wanted icecream. They had signs everywhere, the soft serve was Out of Order, the milkshakes were Out of Order. John got one scope of hard icecream and it was like $3. They had like 7 kinds, and none that I liked. That is nearly impossible. So my suggestion to you - STAY AWAY FROM WALL DRUG.
Coming tomorrow - the Badlands
1 comment:
You guys are traveling fools! What a blessing to be able to go to so many different places!
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