After leaving the store we called Rhoda and had her ask her nurse friends about this discovery. As we called her I remembered hearing that it could mean a sign of dehydration so I was a little worried. After talking with Rhoda's friends we decided it was best to call the Nurse line at our pediatrician. They wanted us to come in for a 4:40 appointment, which we wouldn't have been able to make. They suggested we go to Children's Hospital ER to get him checked out. We thought it was a little overkill, but we wanted to be on the safe side.
When we got there Ian's temp was 100, which isn't considered a fever. John mentioned to the Dr that Ian's urine had a stronger odor then normal. Because he mentioned this the Dr decided to test Ian's urine for an infection. When the results came back it showed there was an infection in his urine. They then tested his blood and did a spinal tap. John stayed in the room for the spinal tap, but I had to leave. I could hear him crying down the hall. John said the only reason he cried was because they had to hold him down, he fell asleep when they put the needle in. That made me feel better.
We got to the hospital about 5:00 PM and finally got admitted at Midnight. They started Ian on antibiotics almost immediately after they got the results. We talked to our first Dr (who we called Doogie Howser b/c he looked 12) and he told us what they were thinking - that it was Ecoli, but they would have to wait for the culture to grow. The first night was short, but Ian was exhausted and slept and ate well.
He is on antibiotics every 6 and 8 hours. On Saturday we had a wonderful nurse who was covering up on our floor. She is usually in the NICU, and she knows alot about babies. She was very helpful and taught us some tricks. The Dr's came on rounds in the morning and told us the plan, that they would wait to find out what the bacteria was for sure, and determine if Ian had a UTI. We just hung out in the room. Our wonderful Pastor, Besty came to visit in the morning. Grammy and Aunt Brooke also came to see Ian.
We will have a few more rounds of antibiotics and then we'll start doing them orally here in the hospital to see how he reacts. Then we'll go home sometime tomorrow. We'll have an ultrasound and another test to make sure everything is ok in Ian's urinary tract.
We're SO thankful that we followed our intuition that something was wrong, even if we were thinking it was the wrong something. I think first time parents can be overly worried at times, but it is also important to know that we are the ones who know our babies best. John and I are blessed with wonderful health coverage. Children's has been a wonderful hospital. It is so difficult to see so many sick children, but good to know they are at a place that will treat them regardless of what they can pay. We got a bag of gifts from Santa and a teddy bear. There have been Christmas carolers every night so far.
Thanks for the prayers for Ian. We're happy he's going to be just fine and that we caught everything early enough. The blood and spinal cultures have to grow for a full 48 hours so they can determine if they are clean before they can let us leave. We're all hopeful that they won't have anything.

Poor little guy .... keep us updated!
That little IV breaks my heart! I don't think it's by accident that you can't remember anything until you're what...3? Babyhood has to be so painful and traumatic. It's good that they don't remember any of it. So sorry he's sick--and so glad you followed your instincts. I think I will always feel like an idiot anytime I take the kids to the doctor...I always feel like an over-reactor, but you've just reminded me that that's ok (and sometimes just might save a little life)!
Men are so observant! Way to go John.
I am so sorry to hear about this. Thank the Lord that he is watching over your family. Good parenting!
Oh Goodness... We have been bad about checking in on y'all ... it's been a while ... then we read this! We are glad that everything turned out okay. He looks as hansome as can be for Christmas. Joey & I think of y'all often and would like to visit sometime. Please let us know when we can!!! Love & prayers .. Joey & Lacey
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