I love to read. I don't always fit reading into my schedule, which is not a good thing. We have tons of books in the house, and a lot of kid's books for Ian to pick through. They're under the TV (don't know if that negates some of their good qualities or not). We spend time each day reading, and Ian can always choose to look at books if he wants to. I have always loved libraries. My parents took me as a young child, and I plan on extending the love of libraries to Ian.
There has been some interesting research lately - especially interesting is this article from Salon.com, which says "Children with as few as 25 books in the family household completed on average two more years of schooling than children raised in homes without any books." Obviously actually reading the books helps, but research has shown that just having books around helps your child's success.

This past Thursday was my Dad's birthday. It was the 3rd birthday since he's been gone. A family friend was killed in an accident last week, and I couldn't help but think of my Dad. He was the BEST reader. He read all the time. As long as I can remember. Not only did he read for himself, but he read to us. My most favorite memories are of my Dad reading to me.

I wrote this on Thursday -
my heart is broken,
but not for you.
my wild boy kisses my forehead with his,
and washes my feet when they're dirty.
and the sunrise was beautiful today
and the mountains have snow
and i can't help but think that
you're the only one who would know what
to say right now
before the pain will burst us all wide open.
sometimes life is a little too much for me
and then he climbs in our chair for a story
and you come rushing back
and i know that this is the miracle
and we'll be ok
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