Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 6 – Giving the gift of hospitality

I am an introvert. My favorite thing to do on a Friday night is to go grocery shopping, eat pizza and watch Dateline, while playing Farmville. The last two happen after Ian falls asleep. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy spending time with people and sharing meals, but it exhausts me. So I need to learn balance for myself, and for my family. John is the opposite of me, he gets his energy from being with other people. What a dilemma! I have to admit that I win out more then he does. We really enjoy making food and sharing that food with others. Thankfully we also have my Mom around who is the queen of hospitality. She knows how to bring people together. I think it’s a great gift to teach your children also. That all that we have we should share with others – time, money, talents, food and friendship. I’m working on my introverted ways, but it’s not always easy.

Who wouldn't want to spend time with this guy?


Sara said...

I heart Dateline. We should've been neighbors. On Friday nights we could've watched Dateline, and you could've cooked dinner for me.

Sara said...

But you couldn't have played Farmville while watching Dateline, because that's distracting and would've annoyed me.

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