Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Drought and Famine in Africa

I heard a story on NPR this morning about the severe famine in the Horn of Africa that has left 30% of children acutely malnourished, and that 4 in every 10,000 children are dying each day. Link to that story.

Then on the Mennonite Central Committee's website there is an urgent request for funds for E. Africa, specifically Kenya and Ethiopia, because a severe drought the past two years has caused widespread famine affecting 11 million people.

I was thinking about my own beloved 2 year old, who has more than enough of everything, especially food. The poor parents of these children, who can't provide enough for any of their kids. It breaks my heart. Say prayers for these children and all the people affected by drought. Also think about donating to your favorite charities who may be doing work in Africa to help bring food to the most vulnerable.

Some links to organizations working in the areas mentioned -

the World Food Program
Save the Children

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