Saturday, August 29, 2009

Around the house..

This guy has set up his home on our back porch, right outside the door. He/she only comes out at night. I don't really mind spiders, and like the work they do to bugs, so he stays. I think we could stick Mya to its web and she'd be dinner.

Ian was gardening for us one day.

These pictures will be boring to most people, but we have some beautiful zinnias this year.

These are our mystery flowers. My Mom thinks they're dahlias, but I'm not so sure. We bought them at Costco, planted them, and threw away the packages they came in.

Heather sent us some pictures, and this is our brother-in-law, Sam, and his gorgeous zinnias. You can see the amazing garden in the background. We're envious. They also have many chickens and the best tasting eggs I've ever eaten.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

This is what I miss....

I won't think about our last conversation, the one about ladders,
or how we hugged and laughed b/c my belly was bigger than yours.

I won't be mad when I hear the tree scratch Ian's window during windy nights,
or when I don't know what kinds of flowers are growing in front of our house.

I will remember that you loved the world with your whole life -
just like you loved me.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Like father like son....

This was too cute not to share.
I also have to include a cute picture of Ian's best buddy, Levi. They haven't actually been able to be next to each other yet since 9 month olds don't understand the word gentle. Levi is a handsome little guy. We can't wait for them to run around together someday.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

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