Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Adeline and a new Simpson adventure

In this last picture, you can see why John calls me Moonface.
John and I got a gift card to Barnes & Noble for our reception, and we decided to go this past Sunday. We picked up the book Veganomicon to try and start eating healthy. So yesterday I went to the Vitamin Cottage and got some vegan foods. I got Tempeh which is some weird soy thing that replaces meat. Except that it doesn't. For me it wasn't the taste, it was the texture. I finally understand why my Dad can't eat bananas. I marinated this stuff in some concoction, which included wine, which usually makes things better - but not in the case of Tempeh. So I don't know how long our Vegan diet will last. I bought tofu, and I can do tofu - that texture is ok. It's the soy bean texture thing that really throws me off. I also made sweet potato fries, which I loved - don't tell John but I ate like half of them while I was boiling and then roasting the Barf-eh aka Tempeh.

1 comment:

Rhoda Blough said...

Don't plan on vegan cuisine at the Blough home!!! Dad is making Chicken Tandoori.

Love, Mom

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